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人教版英语必修4 Unit Four单元同步训练试题(附详解)

上传:刘娜 审核发布:刘娜 更新时间:2009-10-13 11:13:50 点击次数:2305
新课标人教版英语高三复习Book Four Unit Four单元同步训练试题(附详解)
1. --What’s that terrible noise?
--The neighbors _______________(prepare) for a party.
【答案】are preparing,由题意可知邻居是正在准备聚会。故应选用现在进行时。
2. I have to go to work by taxi because my car  ________(repair) at the garage.
【答案】is being repaired,句意为:我不得不乘坐出租车去上班,因为我的汽车正在修理厂修理。故此处用现在进行时的被动语态。
3. She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book _______________(reach) 50 million.
【答案】having reached,that is意为“也就是说”, 表明后半句是对前半句的解释说明, 故前后时态要一致,都用完成时。
4. Start out right away, _____________ you will miss the first train.
5. Those T-shirts are usually $35 each, but today they have a ______________ (special/particular/regular) price of 19 in the shopping centre.
【答案】special,special强调 “非寻常的,专门的”。regular意为“经常的,有规律的”,不合题意;particular强调众多事例中的个别特殊情况;special price意为“特价”。
6.American women usually identify their best friend as someone ______________they can talk frequently.
【答案】with whom,someone之后为定语从句,当先行词被the same/such修饰时,可用as引导定语从句,which指事物在此也不合适,故选用with whom。
7. I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means is the teacher _______________(satisfy) with my progress.
【答案】satisfied,考查倒装句的用法。by no means意为“绝不”,放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。
8. If you talk nice and polite, people listen to you. If you shout, this is no good, _____________(反意疑问句)?
【答案】is it,此题考查反意疑问句的用法。由于本句是否定句,系动词是is, 要把this 变成代词it。
9. When Jane began to take swimming lessons, her main _________(evidence/crisis/obstacle) was the fear of water.
【答案】obstacle,evidence意为“证据”;crisis意为“危机”,均不符合题意;obstacle意为“障碍”。句意为“当Jane 开始参加游泳课程时, 她的主要障碍是对水的恐惧”。
10. You may drop in or just give me a call. _________will do.
【答案】Either,either表示两者中的任何一个,符合题意。each 强调个体,意为“每一个”。
My friend Gayle has been "living" with cancer for four years and it is progressively getting worse. One day Gayle  11    that one of her childhood wishes was to have a red Radio Flyer bicycle. As a child she never received one because she believed that if you told your birthday wish it wouldn' t    12  .                                                
I was at an ice cream stand one day and in the window was a miniature (微型的) red Radio Flyer bicycle that could be won in a    13     drawing (抽奖). For each ice cream you could fill out a ticket for a chance to win. After several weeks and many ice creams, I didn't win. I got up the courage to ask the person    14   if I could buy one. T 'went to the window and as I began   15  , I could feel my throat   16   and my eyes overflowed with tears. However I managed to tell him the story, and after writing a  17  I left carrying it.
The bicycle was  18  the next day, and Gayle's dream came true. The following day I received a letter that read:
Dear Bonnie,
Once in a while there is an opportunity to pass on a  19  I lost my parents to cancer six months ago. I cared for both of them but could not have done it without the love and generosity of friends - friends who  20 
The best to you,
It was from the owner of the ice cream stand. Enclosed was my uncashed check.
11. A. expressed-    B. whispered     C. told    D. ordered
12. A. realize      B. appear     C. happen    D. come true
13. A. daily    B. weekly    C. monthly     D. yearly
14. A. in the charge   B. in charge  C. in office   D. in public
15. A. to say   B. to tell    C. to weep      D. to speak
16. A. tighten     B. loosen     C. dry       D. wet
17. A. name     B. check     C. notice     D. note
18. A. bought      B. came    C. ridden      D. delivered
19. A. hand      B. check      C. kindness     D. bicycle
20. A. care      B. treasure      C. value     D. promise
11. A  表明。
12. D  come true变成现实。
13. B  根据后面的after many weeks判断。
14. B  in charge负责。
15. D  begin to do开始做……。
16. A  喉咙发紧(说不出话来)。
17. B  check支票。
18. D  自行车被邮过来。
19. C  pass on a kindness传递友爱。
20. A  在意你的朋友。
It’s almost impossible to receive a job offer without first attending an interview, but then who would want to take a job without first meeting their new boss? The secret of a successful interview lies in preparation, so it’s worth spending a little time doing your homework.
Good employers understand the pitfalls (缺陷) of interviewing, such as the tendency of managers to recruit in their own image, but the process is slowly becoming more structured, sophisticated and fair. In some sectors the interview has become increasingly demanding with candidates not only being asked to answer questions, but to take part in role-plays and complete written tasks or tests.
If you stick to a few guidelines, you can breeze through your next job interview.
Before the interview
Sound preparation is essential. It may sound like common sense but many people, especially first-jobbers, make the fatal mistake of not doing their homework before walking into an interview.
Research the organisation – look at its website and read its latest annual report.
Prepare answers to the standard questions that form the basis of most interviews .
Be ready with a few questions for the interviewer. This shows you’re keen and on the ball(机灵的,留心的).
Make sure you dress appropriately.
Re-read your CV and application letter and take additional copies.
Plan your journey and check for any potential delays.
At the interview
You must make a good impression in the crucial first few moments, so be sure not to damage your chances before you begin:
Get to your interview at least five minutes early. If you are going to be unavoidably delayed, make sure you let your interviewer know.
Always switch off your mobile phone before you enter the recruiter’s building.
Remember, success here depends more on not getting flustered and thinking on your feet than having the right answer. Above all, be honest – and give reasons for your past behaviour or responses. Companies want to hire humans, not robots.
The style of interviews varies dramatically, but here are a few key points to remember:
Be friendly and courteous to everyone you meet from the receptionist onwards – you never know who might have a say in your appointment.
Make the most of your research and quote it where appropriate.
If you face a panel interview, make sure you talk to everyone rather than directing your answers at one person.
Never mention salary unless prompted to do so – and even then try not to agree to specific numbers without being given time to think.
Always let the interviewer finish speaking before giving your response.
When the interview is over, remember to ask when you can expect to hear back and what the next stage will entail.
After the interview
Take stock of your overall interview performance, learn from the experience and prepare for the next step.
Try to remember the questions and how you answered them to see if you could improve in future.
If you feel it’s appropriate, email the interviewer to say thank you for the interview, but be careful not to be too pushy for a response.
Remember to use any criticism constructively to improve your chances next time.
21. What’s the secret of a successful interview?
A. The secret lies in the performance at the interview.
B. The secret lies in preparation.
C. The secret lies in employers’ needs.
D. The secret lies in applicants’ knowledge.
22. What do you think the interview is like?
A. The interview is always affected by the recruiting manager.
B. In all sectors the interview has become increasingly demanding with candidates.
C. The interview is not necessary if one has a strong relationship net.
D. The interview is becoming more structured, sophisticated and fair.
23. What one should do at the interview?
A. One should dress appropriately.
B. Ask salary he desires to get.
C. Be friendly and courteous to everyone you meet from the receptionist onwards.
D. Try to use your prepared answers because they are more efficient.
24. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase in the last part of the passage?
A. to summarize        B. to stop and think carefully about 
C. to make use of       D. to work hard at
25. How to improve the future interviews?
A. Through learning from the previous experience.
B. Through reflecting the shortcomings of the course of the interview.
C. Through using any criticism constructively to improve the future interviews.
D. All of above.
21. B. 根据第一段的第二句话知B项正确。
22. D. 第二段的第一句告诉我们尽管面试有不足,但是面试过程结构越来越合理,复杂和公平。故D项正确。 其余三项叙述与事实不符。
23. C.  A项是面试前该做的事;B,D两项是面试时不该做的事。
24. B.  根据下半句“学习经验并为下一步做准备”推测 上文应是“认真思考和反思整个面试表现”,故B项正确。A “总结,概述”,;C “利用”;D “努力学习或工作”。
25. D. 根据文章的最后部分来推断A,B,C三项都是改善未来面试的措施。
A resume (简历) is to convince an employer to offer you an interview. There are two kinds. One is the familiar "tombstone" that lists where you went to school and where you've worked in time order. The other is the "functional" resume— descriptive, fun to read, unique 'to you and much more likely to land you an interview.
What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that makes you come alive and look interesting to employers.
26. Put yourself first:  In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel important about yourself.
27. Sell what you can do, not who you are: Practice translating your personality, character, gift and achievements into skill areas. There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work. Show yours!
28. Be specific, be concrete, and be brief! Remember that "brevity is the best policy."
29.Turn bad news into good: Everybody has had disappointments in work. If you have to mention yours, look for the positive side.
30. Never apologize:  If you're returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph (summary of background). Don't apologize for working at being a mother; it's the hardest job of all. If you have no special training or higher education, just don't mention education.
A:A woman who lost her job as a teacher's assistant due to a cutback in government funding wrote: "Principal of elementary school told and considered me as the only teacher's assistant she would rehire if government funds became available."
B:One resume I 'received included the following: "invited by my superior to straighten out our organization's accounts receivable. Set up orderly repayment schedule, reconciled accounts weekly, and improved cash flow 100 percent. Rewarded with raise and promotion." Notice how this woman focuses on results, specifies how she accomplished them, and mentions her reward-all in 34 words.
C: For example, I have an ability for saving, managing and investing money. In my resume, I wrote "I have money management skills."
d: An acquaintance complained of not having been hired when losing an opportunity due to the statement "Ready to learn though not so well educated" .
E:One of my former colleagues wrote resumes in three different styles in order to find out which was more preferred. The result is quite surprising.
F: A woman once told me about a cash-flow crisis (资源流动危机)  her employer had faced. She'd agreed to work without pay for three months until business improved. Her reward was her back pay plus a 20 percent bonus. I asked why that marvelous story wasn't in her resume. She answered, "It wasn't important." What she was really saying of course was "I'm not important."
26. F  resume为关键词。
27. C.要展示自己,有什么才能就要在履历中反映出来,这一点27与C正匹配。
28.  B. breif是28与C的匹配之处。
29.  A. 用好话掩饰自己的不足正是此题的匹配根源。
D. 没有的不要提,要实事求是,这是30与D的写履历宗旨。
题目要求】  根据所给图表,简要描述某城市1997年至2005年中每百人中拥有手机人数的增长情况,并试分析其增长原因。
More and more people have their own mobile phones.   
构思点拨】  这篇书面表达题的形式是文字说明+图表,文字设定了写作的目的和要求,要求分析的原因没有具体给出,考生需自己考虑,给出合情合理的答案。图表提供了写短文所需的数据。要求和要点明确。
 2. 基本时态:叙述1997年至2005年情况时,基本时态应为一般过去时,分析原因时可用一般现在时和现在完成时。
a.  1997年每百人拥有手机人数;
b.  1999年每百人拥有手机人数;
c.  2001年每百人拥有手机人数;
d.  2003年每百人拥有手机人数;
e.  2005年每百人拥有手机人数;
f. 分析增长原因(须自己拟定)。
写作用词汇和结构:考虑如何用正确、恰当的词汇和句型来进行表达,例如:拥有手机人数,百分比的表达方式,增长的原因等。百分比情况变化的表达最好用不同的句型。如果时间较充裕,最好先在草稿纸上写;如果担心时间不够,应该在草稿纸上写下一些关键的词语和句型,如:10 persons in a hundred, the number of people who own mobile phones…等。
    More and more people have their own mobile phones. From 1997 to 2005, the number of people who owned mobile phones increased over seven times, that is, in 1997, only ten in one hundred, in 1999, 20% persons in one hundred , and in 2001, a half of 100 persons. The time that saw the fast increase of the number of people is between 2001 and 2003 when another 25% of people could afford mobile phones, and in 2005, the number reached to 95%.
There are several reasons why so many people have mobile phones. First, people’s income has been increasing quickly while mobile phones are becoming cheaper and they are useful in people’s daily life. Scond, the technology of making mobile phones develops rapidly.
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