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新课标人教版英语高三复习Book Five Unit Two单元同步训练试题(附详解)

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新课标人教版英语高三复习Book Five Unit Two单元同步训练试题(附详解)
【语法专练】 过去分词作定语、表语和宾语补足语
一、过去分词作定语   过去分词作定语时,如果这个分词是一个单词,就位于其修饰的名词之前;如果是分词短语,就位于其修饰的名词之后,相当于一个含有被动语态的定语从句。例如:
The stolen car was finally found by a policeman last Tuesday.
The child punished (=who was punished) by his father left home last night.  
1. 过去分词作表语表示其逻辑主语所处的状态,其逻辑主语就是句中的主语。
His car is broken.
Turn to the doctor for help if you are badly hurt.
2. 过去分词作表语和动词的被动语态结构的区别:前者表示的是逻辑主语所处的状态;后者表示的是发生的动作,常和by短语连用。
We were all excited to hear the news. (过去分词作表语)
The little boy was scolded by his mother. (被动语态)
The company must get the workers paid every month.
1. see, hear, watch, feel, think, find, suppose, consider,notice等表示感觉和心理状态的动词。
I found the air polluted.
Everyone thought him hurt.
2. have, keep, help, leave, make, get等表示使役的动词。
He had his broken car repaired yesterday.
Please keep the door closed when you leave.
3. want, wish, like, order等表示希望、请求、命令意义的动词。
He won’t like his little sister laughed at.
4. 过去分词用在“with/without+宾语+宾补”结构中。
The great man died with his work unfinished.
The spy was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.
5. 现在分词和过去分词作宾语补足语的区别:
I heard her crying in the next room.
A good teacher should always make himself understood.
6. 有时动词不定式也可以作宾补。
He is considered to have made great progress.
过去分词作状语时,句子主语是过去分词动作的承受者,分词与主语间的关系是被动关系。过去分词(短语) 作状语时表示的动作是主语动作的一部分,与谓语表示的动作或状态几乎是同时发生,或是先于谓语动词的动作发生,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。过去分词作状语一般都用逗号同其它成分隔开,常表时间,条件,原因,方式,伴随,让步等含义,相当于一个状语从句。具体情况如下:
Influenced (= As they were influenced) by his deeds, they worked even harder.
Devoted to teaching all his life, he was presented with a ward at the ceremony. (He)
3) 过去分词作状语,和逻辑主语构成形式上的被动关系。
Compared with you, I have a lot of things to learn.
Not born into a rich family, he felt very regretted.
【高考示例变形1】The prize of the game show is $30000 and an all expenses __________ (pay) vacation to China.(2005, 北京)
【答案】paid,本题考查动词的过去分词作后置定语, pay和expenses之间是被动关系 。
【高考示例变形2】It is believed that if a book is _________(interest), it will surely _________ (interest)the reader. (2003,上海)
【答案】interesting; interest,本题考查动词的现在分词作表语表示主语的性质。
【高考示例变形3】Prices of daily goods__________ (buy) through a computer can be lower than store prices. (2002, 北京春)
【高考示例变形4】Tom sounds very much__________(interest) in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it. (2006, 安徽)
【高考示例变形5】The hero’s story_________(report) differently in the newspapers. (NMET 2005)
【答案】was reported,本题考查动词的被动语态。report这一动作发生在过去且与 story之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系。
【高考示例变形6】A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left ___________(不满意). (2006, 天津)
【答案】unsatisfied, 本题考查“leave sb. +过去分词”的被动语态结构。unsatisfied“对……感到不满意的”。
【高考示例变形7】You should understand the traffic rule by now. You’ve had it ________(explain) often enough. (2005, 天津)
【答案】explained,本题中it 指的是the traffic rule,它和动词explain之间是被动关系,考查have sth. done这种形式
【高考示例变形8】She wants her paintings __________ (display) in the gallery, but we don’t think they would be very popular. (2007,上海春招,39)
【高考示例变形9】I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise __________(go on). (2005,北京,34)
【答案】going on,本题考查“with+宾语+现在分词(作宾补)”结构。
【高考示例变形10】Laws that punish parents for their little children’s actions against the laws get parents __________(worry). (2004, 重庆)
【答案】worried, get sth./sb. done 表示“使某人怎麽样”,本题意为“因为孩子的行为触犯法律而惩罚父母亲的法律使得父母亲忧心忡忡”。
【高考示例变形11Please remain _______ (seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop. (2007山东)
【高考示例变形12 “Things _______ (lose) never come again!” I couldn’t help talking to myself. (2007湖南)
【高考示例变形13He is very popular among his studentsas he has always tries to make them ______ (interset) in his lessons. (2007江苏)
【答案】interested,make 后面可以接形容词作宾补,也可以接动词原形作宾补,interest当及物动词时,其宾语是“人”。
【高考示例变型14______ (drive) by a greater demand for vegrtables, farmers have built more green houses.(07浙江
【答案】Driven, drive与其逻辑主语farmers之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词结构作状语。
【高考示例变型15______ (blame) fro the breakdown of school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. (06福建)
【答案】Blamed,blame sb for sth--sb be blamed for sth. 把……归咎于,责备。此处需要分词作状语。
【高考示例变型16】No matter how frequently ________(perform), the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. (2006广东)
【答案】performed. 从句为省略句,省略了主语和动词。完整句子为No matter how frequently the works of Beethoven are performed。
【高考示例变型17】(2006全国I) ________(surprise) and happy, Tony stood up and accepled and prize.
【答案】surprised. surprised是过去分词作形容,说明Tony当时所处的状态。
【高考示例变型18】(2007四川) The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ________(water) every day.
【答案】watered. 考查过去分词短语作状语。此处watered相当于they are watered,表示被动的条件。
【高考示例变型19】(2007重庆) The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _______(finish) for the day.
【答案】finished. 考查过去分词短语作状语。此处相当于时间状语从句after their lessons had been finished。
1. I don’t think ___________ possible to master a foreign language without a lot of recitation. (2007菏泽高考模拟)
【答案】it,it在本句中作形式宾语代替后面的动词不定式短语“to master a… recitation”。
2. The ____________(relative) of these two neighbours have long been difficult.(2005, 东城模拟)
3. The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism ______________the wildlife in the area.(2003,上海)
【答案】on,本题考查短语的用法,have a/an effect on…“对……有影响”。
4. She ____________(无意中学会)Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.(2006, 福建)
【答案】picked up,本题考查动词短语的用法,pick up“偶然、无意中学会……”。
5. There is no need for you ____________ (get) up early tomorrow. (2007淄博高三摸底)
【答案】to get,There is no need for sb. to do sth.为固定句型,意为“对某人来说没有必要做某事”。
6. After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _____________(我们的宇航员想做的事情) is walk in space.(2004, 上海)
【答案】what our astronauts desire to do,本题中what 引导的名词性从句作主语,what相当于the things that。
7.There____________(shouldn’t/mustn’t) be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school. (2005, 上海)
【答案】shouldn’t, shouldn’t表示根据情况推测,“理应……”。
8. _____________(found) in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. (2002, 上海)
【答案】Founded,Harvard与found之间是被动关系,Harvard又是found 的逻辑主语,所以用过去分词短语作状语。
9. When ______________(compare)with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.(2004, 湖北)
【答案】compared,when compared with= when it is compared with。
10. --How are the team playing?
--They are playing well, but one of them got __________(hurt).(2002, 北京春招)
【答案】hurt,本题考查“get +过去分词”结构的用法,由句意可知一名队员受伤是在评论之前,所以应用一般过去时。
Mary Kimble-Smith was an ordinary 12-year-old girl; ordinary, that is, in every way  11  one. She suddenly started to walk in her sleep. No one knew why this happened. The best guess seems to be that it represents  12  : the sleep-walker is worried. This feeling normally remains under control during   13   hours, but at night, when the mind is in a more passive mode, it  14  to the surface and shows itself in the form of physical movement.
At first, her family  15  help from just about every doctor they could find. But none of them were able to suggest a means by which she could be   16  . Then her parents were frightened, and they tried to wake her up. In fact, the general advice is that we should not wake a sleepwalker. To wake a person and bring them to a sudden  17  that they are not where they thought they were could  18  the feelings of anxiety and perhaps even reinforce (强化) the habit.
Most sleepwalkers at last stop without any warning—they just  19  do it again. In Mary’s case though, she started sleep-walking soon after her twelfth birthday and was still doing it the day  20  she died in 1989, at the age of 93.
11. A. beside B. except       C. besides   D. including
12. A. anxiety       B. excitement C. anger D. fear
13. A. daytime      B. night   C. sleeping    D. waking
14. A. rises           B. falls    C. reduces     D. raises
15. A. looked       B. searched   C. obtainedD. sought
16. A. helped       B. saved C. cured D. improved
17.A.recognition    B.realization
C.knowledge     D. impression
18. A. develop     B. increase    C. form  D. produce
19. A. sometimes  B. often  C. never D. usually
20. A. before B. after   C. when D. since
11. B  前面说ordinary, 后面又说“梦游”, 这就不一般了。故用except。
12. A  由后面提示“worried”可知。
13. D  由后面的but at night与前面形成对比。
14. A  rise to the surface升到表面。
15. D  seek help from寻求……的帮助。    
16. C  cure sb治好某人。
17. B  bring sb to a realization使某人意识到……,后面为同位语从句。
18. B  由后面的even reinforce可知。
19. C  根据句意可知:永远再不会做。
20. A  在她死前的那一天还在梦游。 
How would you like to teach yourself, rather than have teachers? According to the UK’s Department of Education and Skills, students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. This means that there will be no more problems such as finding enough teachers,
Greater use of computer technology and classroom assistants will help students develop their own way of learning, which is a more exciting, as well as a more interesting way of learning. At the same time, teachers will be “free from their traditional role as the source of all knowledge”. Children of all abilities will learn according to their individual needs. For example, in a class of 15-year-olds, some could be starting university learning while others were still learning to read and write. They will learn in their own time, at their own speed and in their own environment. At home or at school, they will follow their learning programmes by looking at online libraries and watching lessons by world-class teachers and subject experts. Instead of going on field trips, students will use virtual reality. If they don’t understand something, they can ask other students--take part in virtual communities with learners with similar needs--or e-mail their teachers. They will hand in their work electronically to be “auto – marked”.
2) 就“网络课堂是否可以代替传统的课堂”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点, 该部分的词数大约为120;
Greater use of computer technology and classroom assistants will enable students to study according to their own ability and individual needs. Meanwhile, teachers will no longer play the traditional role as the source of all knowledge.
Compared to a traditional classroom, there is no doubt that children can get more learning resources on the Net. In virtual reality, they can share their ideas in a much wider range with different teachers and students, which will be beneficial to them. Moreover, network makes the study more convenient for kids. They as well as their parents don’t need to worry about the bad weather, the heavy traffic, etc. Just stay at home and click. Everything seems so easy.
I often surf the Net for varieties of information to help with my study. But I don’t think the Internet can replace the traditional classrooms. For learning is more than just acquiring knowledge of all subjects. Kids are not good at controlling themselves, so they still need a teacher to guide them face to face in both study and life.
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