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上传:weishuyun 审核发布:admin 更新时间:2011-8-7 15:07:07 点击次数:1503


一、听录音, 选择你所听到的单词,并将其字母标号填入前面括号里。(10 分)

     1 . A pen       B ten       C Ben       D men 

 (      ) 2 . A by        B sky       C high       D fly

 (      ) 3 . A light       B night     C bought     D bright \

 (      ) 4 . A see        B way      C saw       D day   

 (      ) 5 .A book       B look      C take       D cake 

 (      ) 6 . A dog        B cock      C coat       D goat 

 (      ) 7 . A map       B cap       C cat        D dad 

 (      ) 8 .A you        B draw      C your      D young 

 (      ) 9 . A like        B lake      C bike       D take

 (      ) 10 . A run       B sun       C fun        D turn


 1. A Thank you .          B Not at all             C You’re welcome  

 2 . A I like winter .        B I like to ski on the snow .  C  Winter is my favourite season

 3 . A . After supper        B Once a week           C On Saturday evening

 4 . A It ‘s too far .         B It’s about two kilometers  C It’s a big park

 5 A I can’t lend it to you   . B you’re welcome  .      C Certainly . Here you are .

笔试部分( 80 )

一、用括号中单词的正确形式填空 10

Tom __________ ( not play ) football in the street .

Do you enjoy _________( listen ) to music?

Listen ! Someone __________ ( sing ) in the room .

This is his book , _____________ ( me ) is not here .

What __________ you _________( have ) for lunch yesterday ?

Loot at the cat .It is _________( lie ) on the grass .

 How many ________ ( baby ) are there in the room ?

It will be __________( sun ) tomorrow .

We often listen to the teacher __________ (careful )

 The bus is ____________ (good ) than  that one .

二、选择与画线部分的意思相近的词或词语。 10

       1 Look out ! The bus is coming .

            A Look at       B Look for    C Be careful   D Look

 (        )   2 Tom goes to school on foot every day .

             A gets         B walks      C runs         D comes 

(        )  3 What time do you get up ?

A  How       B What      C When       D Why

(        )  4 What’s five plus six ?

             A like          B and        C with        D on  

(        )  5 Li Ming will have a party this evening .

              A tonight       B now       C tomorrow    D yesterday


      1 . – Can you swim ,Danny ?    - ___________________

           A  Yes , I do B Yes , I can’t .  C No , I think so . D No , I can’t

  (      )  2 She wants to buy something _______her family ___________ Christmas .

           A for  to    B  to  on      C   to  for    D for   for  

  (      )   3 That  man _________ blue clothes is my brother

           A in         B on           C   wear      D  with 

(      )  4  We have fun in  ___________ English .

           A learn       B learning      C to learn       D  learns

 (      )  5   Jenny sometimes _____________ her bike .

           A rides        B drives        C  takes      D walks  

  (      )  6  It’s  cold outside . Jenny , here’s your hat _________,please

            A put on it     B put it on     C  put it up    D put up it

(       )   7 Let ‘s ___________ the lost book .

          A  to go to school    B go and to find  C to go and to find D go and find

(       ) 8 He _________ them  English

          A teachs             B teaches       C teach         D teaching

(       ) 9  Merry Christmas !  - __________________

          A Yes  .I’m happy    B Don’t say that .  C Sure         D The same to you

 (       )  10 __________ windy day ! I can’t go to the park today

          A What             B What  a        C How a       D How

四、阅读填词,首字母以给出。(10 分)

A small man goes to a  cinema . He buys a ticket  and goes in . But after two or three m___

____________. He comes out ,and buys a second ticket and then g________ in again .

  After a few minutes he c ____________ out again and buys a third ticket  . two or 

t_________ minutes later ,he comes a third time and a _________ for a _________ one

 The girl says to him ,” Why are you always buying tickets? Are you m______________

friends in the cinema all the time ?

No ,the small man s___________ ,but a big w_________ always stops me at the d_____________

and tears my ticket .

五、句型转换。 10 分)

1.The children are cleaning the room (对画线部分提问)


2 There is some milk in the glass . ( 改为一般疑问句)


3 Do it like that .(改为否定句)


4 What’s your sister’s age ? ( 改为同义句)


5 I want to have a glass of milk ( 改为同义句)



One morning .Mr. and Mrs. Green go shopping in their _______1______ .In the shop

they see many ______2_____ .Mrs. Green them very much .She ________3___ a shirt

for their son ,a skirt for their daughter _____4_______ a sweater for Mr. Green ._____5__

buys herself a blouse ,too

_______6___ about one o’clock they go home .But they lose their way. Mr. Green __7__


___________ over to an old man and asks , “__8______am I ? please tell me ,

The old man looks ________9________ him and the car . you are in your car ,sir

He ______10________ .

(     ) 1 A plane      B car     C bike     D bus

(     ) 2 A food       B shoes    C hats     D clothes

(     ) 3 A buys       B sells      C makes   D borrows  ‘’

(     ) 4 A so         B or        C but      D and

(     ) 5 A They       B He      C She        D Her

(     ) 6 A In         B For       C At       D On

(     ) 7 A swims      B drives     C flies    D  leaves

(      ) 8 A Where     B What     C How    D Who

(      )9 A after        B at       C like     D for

(       ) 10 A sings     B listens    C reads    D says


七、阅读理解。 10

 It is time to go home now .I am in a bus on a rainy day , And a man with a dog gets on

the bus  .  It is a big dog and its feet are dirty ,  

   I don’t want the dog to sit near me .But the man says to the conductor , “Oh, I pay for

my dog’s ticket .Can he sit here like the other people ?

 The conductor looks at the dog and says , yes sir But like the other people ,he must not put

his feet on the chair .

(      ) 1 I am going home ________ now

       A by jeep     B by bus         C by car    D by bike

(      ) 2 What do I see ?

       A . A  dog    B A  conductor   C A bus    D A man with a dog

(       ) 3 Why do the man and the dog get on the bus ?

         A It is a rainy day    B No one is on the bus

         C The dog can sit     D  The man is a conductor

(       )   4 I don’t want the  dog to sit near me . Because ________

        A  the dog is big      B the dog is not clean

        C the  dog isn’t mine    D the dog has no ticket.

       5  The conductor ‘s words mean (意思是)___________

        A the dog can sit here     B  the dog must like a man

        C the dog must not sit on the chair   D the dog’s feet are like the other people


一、听录音, 选择你所听到的单词,并将其字母标号填入前面括号里。

1 ten (A )      2 high ( C)    3 light (A )     4 way ( B )   5 look ( B )

6 goat (D )     7 map ( A )    8 you ( A )     9 bike ( C )  10 sun (B )


1 Let me help you  (A)   

2 What do you like to do in winter ?  ( B )

3 How far is it from here to the park ?( B )   

4 How often do you watch TV ? (B )

5 May I borrow your ruler ? (C )


一、 1 don’t play   2  listening   3 is singing   4  mine    5 did have

       6 lying      7 babies     8 sunny     9 carefully  10 better


二、1——5 C  B   C   B  A

三、1-5 D D A B A       6-10  BD B D B

四、1 .minutes    2 goes    3  comes    4 three   5 asks   6 another   7 meeting

    8 says      9 woman    10  door


What are the children doing ?

Is there any milk in the glass ?

 Don’t do it like that

How old is your sister ?

Would I like to have a glass of milk


1-5 B D A D C    6-10 . B A B D


1-5 B D A B C
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