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       1.                     (     )2.

        A.          B.              A.              B.  


    (     )3.                       (     )4.




A.             B.              A.             B.                      


 (      )5.                        (      )6.


       A.             B.               A.              B.


    A.            B.              C.               D.


        (    )            (    )         (    )         (    )

     E.              F.             G.               H.

        (    )             (    )         (    )         (    )


 (    ) 1. A. boots       B. shoes         C. size

 (    ) 2. A. egg         B. bag          C. hand

 (    ) 3. A. Tuesday     B. today         C. term

(     ) 4. A. doctor       B. desk           C. bed    

(     ) 5. A. nurse        B. driver          C. music   

(    ) 6. A. lake        B. make         C. snake

(    ) 7. A. fly a kite       B. write a card     C. ride a bike

(    ) 8. A.2nd January    B. 2nd June            C. 2nd July

(    ) 9.A. I like summer. B. It’s January.    C. I like Sunday

(    ) 10. A. He is sad.   B. Let’s stand.    C. This is my hand.


1. Look! I have a new __________. It’s very nice.

2. How many ___________ can you see? I can see _________.

3. Which       do you like best? I like summer best.

4. How did you go there? I went there by __________.

    5. MY sister is _______ than me.


五、语音题。给发声一致的小手写S,不一致的写D. 4×14分)















  (    )                           (     )










(    )                           (     )


圆角矩形: A. ride a bike    1.                                       4.

圆角矩形: B. have dinner

   2.                                        5.

圆角矩形: C. collect stamps
圆角矩形: D. in the box

圆角矩形: E. be late for   3.                                         6.

圆角矩形: F. went to hospital


1. Hello! I’m John.       ! I’m Sarah.

       A. Bye        B. Hi          C. Ok

2. _________________?  Ten yuan.

          A. How many pens do you have     B. How much is the juice

          C. What can you see in the picture?

3. What’s in your pencil-case? _________________.

          A. An English book and two erasers.  B. Three desks.

          C. One pen and four rulers.

4. Let _________ clean the blackboard. OK.

       A. me            B. I              C. my    

    5. What colour        the trousers?

       A.is             B.am             C.are          

   6. My birthday is        April.

       A.in             B.on              C.at             

7.        Jim swim faster than the other boys?

       A.Is             B.Does            C.Are           

8. Do you have any hobbies? Yes. I ________ .

       A. hobby is play football            B. like playing football  

C. likes playing football

  9. What _____ you do last weekend? I visited my grandmother.

       A. did           B. do             C. does

 10. How __________ is your best friend? 63 kg.

       A. tall           B. big             C. heavy


1. what  weather  is   like    the


   2. is,  smaller,  yours,  room,  than,     my


3. went,     holiday,    we,  Beijing,  on,  to,   our


4. What      date         is           the        today


  5. man,     who,      the,        is,        old



1.When is your father’s birthday?       A. No, they aren’t.

2. What’s that?                      B. Thank you.

3. Are they near the table?             C. I like fall best.

4. Which season do you like best?       D. On Feb 26th

5. Happy birthday to you.              E. It’s a small bee.



 1. Today is Teachers’ D_________               It is on S             10th.

 2. We make snow man              in w__________.

3. There are f _________people in my family.               My father, my

 mother, my b________ and I.


4. I want to fly k_______              in spring.

  5. There are all kinds of food. My favourite food is h________.


6. Do you have any r__________?              Yes, I have five.

7. My banana           is b________ than yours.

8. My mother bought a new j_________                  for me.


1. What’s the weather like in Wuxi? It often         . (rain)

2. December is the      (twelve) month of the year

3. Sometimes she     (go)    (shop) with her mother..

4.The first dog is __________ shortthan the second one .

5. He often       (have) dinner at home.

6. They _______(not swim) last Sunday.

7.This horse is       thinthan that one.

8. He can ________ (put) away the room by himself.

9. Look, we __________ (clean) the classroom.

10._________ (sweep) the floor, please!


Once(从前)a man stole(偷)one of Washington’s horses. Washington went with a policeman to get back the horse. But the man didn’t give the horse to Washington. He said it was his horse. Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse and said t the man, “If(如果)this is your horse, you must tell us in which eye he is blind(瞎的).” “In the right eye!” the man said. Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind. “Oh, I made a mistake(弄错了),” said the man. “He is blind in the left eye.” Washington then took his hand from the left eye of the horse. It was not blind in the left eye, either(也不). “I made another mistake(又弄错了),” said the man. “Yes,” said the policeman, “and you know the horse is not yours. You must give it back to Washington.”

1. A man stole Washington’s_______.

          A. money          B. horse           C. monkey        

2. Did Washington go to get back the horse with a policeman?

          A. No, he didn’t.    B. Yes, he did       C. Yes, he didn’t.     

3. Washington put his        on the horse’s eyes.

          A. one hand        B. one foot         C. two hands

4. The horse was       .

          A. not blind        B. blind in right eye  C. blind in left eye

5. Whose horse is it? It’s_________.

          A. the other’s(其他人的)         B. Washington’s     

C. the policeman’s        




1. Turn on the light. (A)

 2. I like playing basketball. (B)

  3. I have three books. (B)

  4. I go to Canada by plane. (A)

  5. The weather is very cold in winter. (A)

  6. She feels happy. (B)


1.Nice to meet you.  Nice to meet you, too. (B)

 2. — Do you have a cat? — Yes, I do. (H)

 3. — Where is the dog? — It’s under the desk. (G)

. 4. —Who’s the boy? —He’s my brother. He is a baseball player. (A)

  5. What do you like to do in spring? — I like planting trees.(C)

  6. —What did you do? — I bought some fruit in the supermarket. (E)

  7. — How tall are you?    — I’m154 cm. (D)

  8. —What is your brother doing? He is watching TV. (F)

三、1. shoes (B)

     2. hand (C)

     3. Tuesday (A)

     4. doctor (A)

5. music (C)

6. make (B)

7. ride a bike(C)

 8. 2nd January   (A)

 9. I like Sunday (C)

 10. Let’s stand. (B)


1. Look! I have a new bed. It’s very nice.

2. How many footballs can you see? I can see twenty-four.

3. Which season do you like best? I like summer best.

4. How did you go there? I went there by train.

     5. My sister is thinner than me.


五、1. D 2. S 3. S 4. D


     1. A. what  / w/   B. Who   /h/       2. A. worked  / t/ B. washed / t/

     3. A. season / i:/   B. teach/ i:/          4. A. use  /jU:/  B. us /ʌ/

六、1—C 2—E 3—B 4—D 5—F 6—A

七、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9. A 10. C


     1. 由前面的Hello提示,此句考查见面用语,故答案:B

 2. 由后面的Ten yuan“十元”提示,前面应该提问价格,询问价格的句式: How much is/are…? 故答案选:B

 3. 问句“你的铅笔盒里有什么?”,从实际来看,C项符合。

 4. 动词后面应该用人称代词的宾格,故选:A

 5. Trousers 要用复数形式,故答案C 注意:glasses( 眼镜)shoes(鞋子) socks(袜子)等名词一定要以复数形式出现。

 6. 月份前面要用介词in。故答案:A。我们可以通过一个口诀来区别记忆介词用法:at 用在时刻(几点)前;on 后接着某一天,这天上下午晚上(具体某一天),仍然用在on后面;季(季节).月(月份).周(week.年(year)用在in 后面。

7. 句中有动词swim,所以前面需要助动词,只有B 项符合。

8. Hobbies (爱好)I 不能加名词hobby,故排除A。一般现在时中,I 要用动词原形,故答案:B

9. last weekend是过去时的标志,故助动词用 did

10. 63 kg是回答重量的,所以前面应询问重量 How heavy are you?, 故答案C


1. What is the weather like?

2. My room is smaller than yours.

3. We went to Beijing on our holiday.

4. What is the date today?

5. Who is the old man?


  1D 2E 3A 4C 5B

十、1.day, September 2. winter 3. four, brother 4. kite 5.harmburger.

    6. rulers 7. bigger 8. jacket

十一、1. rains 2. twelfth 3. goes shopping 4. shorter 5. has 6. didn’t swim 7. thinner 8. put 9. are cleaning 10. Sweep


 1. 本题考查一般现在时,it是单数,所以答案是rains

      2. 本题考查序数词,twelve 的序数词是变vef,再加the。故答案:twelfth


      3. Sometimes 是一般现在时的标志,所以用goesgo doing是固定搭配,

故答案:goes shopping

     4. than 是比较级的标志,所以用short的比较级:shorter

     5. 考查点同1have 的三单has, 故答案:has

     6. last Sunday 提示本句是一般过去时,过去时的否定用didn’t 故答案: didn’t swim

     7. 考查点同4, thin 的比较级thinner

     8. 本题考查情态动词后面用动词原形,故答案是:put

     9. Look是现在进行时的标志词,结构用be+doing故答案:are cleaning

     10. 本题考查祈使句,祈使句以动词原形开头,故答案Sweep

十二、1.B 2. B 3. C 4.A 5. B


      1. 由文章第一句可知答案是:B

      2. 由文章第二句 Washington went with a policeman to get back the horse.可知答案正确,故选B

      3. 由文章第四句Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse。可知答案:C

     4. 通过文章可知,马没有瞎。华盛顿是故意说马的眼睛瞎,结果贼两次说错,所以答案:A

     5. 由文章第一句可知,马是华盛顿的,所以答案B  

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