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上传:weishuyun 审核发布:admin 更新时间:2011-8-7 17:54:15 点击次数:1452

姓名          班级          分数          


一、Listen and choose.听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里(每小题1分,共10)

(     ) 1.  A. sweep             B. sleep                C. sweet

(     ) 2.  A. goat                B. coat             C. boat

(     ) 3.  A. place          B. please                  C. police

(     ) 4.  A. went skiing  B.went skating  C.went swimming

(     ) 5.    A thirty        B. third        C. thirteen

(     ) 6.    A. 136 cm     B. 116cm       C. 146cm

(     ) 7.    A. It’s windy.             B. It’s rainy.      C. It’s sunny.

(     ) 8.    A. Mike’s favourite food is beef.

                     B. Mike’s favourite animal is deer.

                     C. Mike’s favourite season is winter.

(     ) 9.    A. Amy is going to the library .

B. Amy isn’t going to the library.

          C. Amy is going to the post office.

(     ) 10. A. John had a headache.

B. John had a toothache..

C. John had a earache.

二、Listen and judge.听录音, 判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”(10)

(    ) 1.                (    ) 2.             (    ) 3.         


(    ) 4.                              (    ) 5.                

(    ) 6. Tom had a fever yesterday.

(    ) 7. Sarah is younger than Amy.

(    ) 8. Today is National Day.

(    ) 9. John’s favourite fruit is grapes.

(    ) 10. It’s a fine day today.

三、Listen and answer.根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里(每小题2分,共10)

(    ) 1. A. He’s a student. B. He likes apples.  C. He’s young and smart.

(    ) 2. A. No, he doesn’t.    B. Yes, he is.    C. Yes, he can

(    ) 3. A. I went to a park.   B. I went at 9:00.C. I went shopping

(    ) 4. A. No, it isn’t.   B. Yes, it’s near.   C. Yes, there is.

(    ) 5. A. It comes from the vapour.

         B. It comes from the stream.

C. It comes from the rain.

四、Listen and fill the blank.根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整 (每空一词,共5)

1.When do you usually go to the cinema? I usually go on         ?

2.What did Mike do last night ? He _______ clothes.

3.Stop at a red light.Wait at a        light.

4.They are _________ insects and catching butterflies.

5.John is taller ,but Zhangpeng is       .

五、Listen and judge.根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错(每小题2分,共10)

(   )1.Li Ming live in the city.

 (   )2.Li Ming’s cousin met him at the bus station.

 (   )3.Li Ming and his cousin went to Guanhzhou Zoo.

 (   )4.LI Ming and his cousin bought some shorts in Tianhe plaza.

 (   )5.Li Ming had a good time yeaterday.


六、补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上(共10分,每小题2分)

Chen jie: Hi, Amy! __________________________?

Amy: It’s Wednesday.

Chen jie: Oh, let’s go to the zoo this weekend.

Amy: Good idea! _______________________________?

Chen jie: Let’s see monkeys. They are very smart.

Amy: OK! ___________________________________?

Chen jie: We can go by like.

Amy: But I have no bike. Let’s go by bus, OK?

Chen jie: OK. ______________________________?

Amy: What about eight thirty?

Chen jie: ______________.

A: What’s the date?

B: What are we going to see?

C: What day is it today?

D: Where are you going?

E: How can we go there?

F: Great!

G:When are we going?

七、阅读 (15)

( )根据短文,判断正误,对的写“T” 错的写“F”

   It's Sunday morning. The students of Class 3 are giving their classroom a good cleaning.

  Miss Huang, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water; some are cleaning the windows; others are sweeping the floor. Zhang Hua is putting up a map on the wall. It is a map of China. Wang Fei and Wei Qing are mending some broken chairs. The children are listening to the radio while they are working. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very happy. They go home for lunch at noon.

  (  ) 1. The children are playing in their classroom on Sunday morning.

  (  ) 2. Miss Huang, their mother, is working with them.

  (  ) 3. There is a map of China on the wall.

  (  ) 4. Two of them are repairing the broken chairs.

  (  ) 5. They are singing while they are working.

( ) 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案

Chen Jie’s aunt lives in Beijing. Chen Jie went there with her parents last week.She went there by plane. It was a big trip. She slept on the plane. The next morning, she arrived at Beijing. Her aunt went to the airport to meet them.Chen Jie played with her cousin. She ate good food. The next day, she visited the Great Wall. It was very beautiful. She took many pictures. She climbed a mountain, too. She stayed in Beijing for five days. She came back to Guangzhou yesterday.

(    )1.Chen Jie lives in           .

A.Guangzhou      B.Beijing     

(    )2.Chen Jie’s aunt waited them at            .

A.the train station   B.the airfield  

(    )3.Chen Jie visited the Great Wall on            of her trip.

A.the first day        B.the second day    

(    )4.Chen Jie stayed in Beijing for ______ days.

A.four              B.five

(    )5.Chen Jie went to Beijing with__________.

A.her father and mother     B. her aunt       


( bad,  fine,  stayed,  yesterday,  played,  went,  sad, happy,  sang,  took,  had,  park )

   I’m Jane.It was Sunday_____.The weather was______.I_____with my friends.In the morning,the boys _____basketball.Tom was _____.He won the game.The girls______songs.In the afternoon,we _____to a park,there were some big mountains in the _____.We_____many pictures there.We ____a good time.




1. A: ___________________________________________?

  B: Because I can go skiing.



2. A: ___________________________________________?

  B: My aunt is an accountant.




3. A: ___________________________________________?

  B: You can go to the People’s Park by bike. It’s not far.


4. A: ___________________________________________?

  B: No, I ate good food in Xinjiang.

5. A: ___________________________________________?

  B: They are going to plant trees in the garden.











一、Listen and choose(根据录音内容, 将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的选项选出来,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里)(10)

( B ) 1. I like winter because I can sleep a long time.

( C ) 2. I rowed a boat in the river yesterday.

( C) 3. My father works in the police station.

( A) 4.I went skiing on my holiday.

( A ) 5. John is thirty years old.

( C ) 6.My brother is 146cm tall.  

(B ) 7.It’s rainy in London, cloudy in Hong Kong.

( B ) 8.Deer is Mike’s favourite animal.

( B ) 9. Amy isn’t going to the library.She is going to the zoo.

( , B ) 10. Yesterday John had a toothache.

二、Listen and judge( 根据录音内容, 判断下面各张图片的画面或句子是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在该图片的括号里打 √ , 不相符的打 ×) (10分)

1. –My uncle is not a teacher   (×)

2. –What does your mother do?   --She’s an actress    (×)

3. –There is a forest ,a lake and many moutains in the nature park  (×)

4. –Where is the cinema, please?  --It’s next to the post office.  (×)

5.Nick you look sad. (×)

6. –What’s the matter,Tom? You look tired.----- I had a high fever yesterday (√)

7.Amy is 13 years old. Sarah is 11years old (√)

8. What’s the date today?It’s October the 1st (√)

9. Do you like fruit,John?----I like fruits. But I don’t like grapes.They are sour.  (×)

10. It’s sunny and warm. Let’s  go out. (√)

三、Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)(10分)

( C ) 1. What’s he like? 

( C ) 2. Can Mike play the violin?

( A ) 3. Where did you go last weekeed?

( C ) 4. Is there a library near here?

( B ) 5. Where does the vapour come from?

四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整. (每空只填一词) (5)

1.  When do you usually go to the cinema? I usually go on Saturdays.

2.  What did Mike do last night? He washed clothes.

3.   Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.

4.  They are counting insects and catching butterflies.

5.  John is taller, but Zhangpeng is stronger.

五、Listen and judge(根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错)(10 )

My name is Li Ming. I live in village. Yesterday, I visited my cousin. He lives in Guangzhou. I got there by bus. Guangzhou is far from my home. It took us three hours to get there. My cousin waited for me at the bus station. We went to Tianhe Plaza and bought some shirts. We also went to a park and took some pictures. We had a good time.

( × )1.Li Ming live in the city.

 (√)2.Li Ming’s cousin met him at the bus station.

 (× )3.Li Ming and his cousin went to Guanhzhou Zoo.

 (× )4.Li Ming and his cousin bought some shorts in Tianhe plaza.

 (√)5.Li Ming had a good time yeaterday.


六:1C  2B  3E  4G  5F

七:( 1 ) 1F  2F  3T  4T  5F

    ( 1 ) 1A  2B  3CB 4B 5A

八:1.yesterdaye 2.fine 3. stayed 4.played 5.happy 6.sang 7.went 8. park 9. took 10.had

: 1. Why do you like winter?

   2. What does your aunt do?

   3. How can I get to the People’s park?

   4. Did you climbed a mountain in Xinjiang?

   5. What are they going to do tomorrow?

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