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上传:weishuyun 审核发布:admin 更新时间:2011-8-7 23:05:58 点击次数:2092



   1.A. race            B. grass           C. glass      

   2.A. present          B. parents         C. presents    

   3.A. take a walk       B. keep off        C. take off     

   4.A. June 6           B. July 16         C. June 16      

   5.A. No parking.      B. No littering.      C. No smoking.  

   6.A. dear            B. near            C. year         

   7.A. wait            B. away           C. always.

   8.A. shouldn’t        B. mustn’t         C. can’t         



    (    )            (    )              (    )                (    )


   (    )            (    )             (    )               (    )



    (    )              (    )            (     )             (     )


   (     )            (     )            (     )              (    )


   1.A. It means “Be quiet”.    B. It means you should make noise.  C.Yes,it does.

   2.A. He likes dancing.      B. She'd like a camera.       C. He wants a camera.

   3.A. It’s on the 4th of April.  B. It’s the 4th of April.       C. It’s on Thursday.

   4.A. No, there weren’t.      B. Yes, there wasn’t.         C.No, there wasn’t.

   5.A. It was under the table.   B. They were on the sofa.     C. They are on the sofa.

   6.A. No, I’d like to.          B.Yes, I'd like to.            C.Yes, I like.


. 选择题。(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)

(    ) 1. My little sister is only         .

      A.three year old.  B. three years old.  C.three years

(    ) 2. I want to buy        glasses for my grandpa.

      A. a             B. the           C. a pair of    

(    ) 3.Jim and Ron are        about Jack’s birthday.

   A. saying         B. talking        C. speaking  

(    ) 4.What an        game it is!

   A. excite         B.exciting        C. excited  

(    ) 5. I usually        my homework at seven o’clock.

   A. did           B. do            C. does    

(    ) 6. My VCD        here yesterday. Where        it now?

   A. is ,was        B. were , are      C. was ,  is  

(    ) 7. What        is it today?  It is Sunday.

   A. date           B. time         C. day  

(    ) 8. What         in the glass ?  There         some apple juice.

   A is , is.          B. is, are        C. are ,is  


(    ) 9.My father likes           music after lunch.

   A. listening to     B .listen to       C. to listen    

(    ) 10. Here’s a photo of         family for you . May I have one of       ?

   A. yours ,my       B. my ,yours     C. your, my  

(    ) 11.Ben is          the candles on the cake . It's time for some cake.

      A.buying          B.blow out        C.blowing out

(    ) 12. When's your birthday, Andy? 

   A.At January        B.On January      C.In January   

(    ) 13. Mary is looking       her camera.She can't find it.

   A. for              B.at             C.around   


(    ) 14. Mr Smith looks around. There's          nearby.

   A.everyone          B.no one          C.some people    

(    ) 15. Many boys in our class often do their homework very         .

   A.much careful         B.careful          C.carefully    

. 从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏的正确应答,并将其序号填在括号内。(共8题,每小题1分,计8分)


(    ) 1 .Is the diary under the violin?                A .It means “No speaking”. 

(    ) 2 .Would you like to come to Halloween party?   B .No, it isn’t.

(    ) 3 . Where are the photos?                    C. Of course

(    ) 4 . Are the students walking in the playground?   D.They’re behind the sofa.

(    ) 5. What does the sign mean?                  E.Yes, they are.

(    ) 6. Does she often walk to school?              F. He's only three.

(    ) 7. How old is your brother?                  G.No. She always goes to school by bike.

(    ) 8. Do you have school from Monday to Friday?   H.Yes,we do.

. 从方框内选出正确的词或词组完成句子。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)

文本框: a lot of     Keep off    on the ground     make noise    comes up    in Ben's class   a yo-yo    took some photos   pick them up      very exciting






1. The sign on the grass says                 the grass.

2. There are                  signs in the park.They mean different things.

3. Jim is a new student                    .

4. You shouldn't                  in the library.

5. The park keeper                   to him and points to a sign over there.

6. Look,my films are                   .Can you                  for me.

7. The running race is                   .

8. Dad and I                  last week.

9. I'd like                  as my New Year present.

. 给下列句子重新排序。(共2题,每空1分,计8分)

1.a. It's the 7th of Septenber.                   2.a. Listen, whose mobil phone is ringing.

  b. What date is it today ?                     b. Is it in your bag?

  c. Good idea .                              c. It's mine. I can't find it.

  d. Let's make some cards forour teathers.        d. No, it isn't.It was there a moment ago.  

  e. Oh, Teathers' Day is coming soon .           e.Where is it?

                      c                a                         

. .根据图片,填入所缺单词。(共4题,每空1分,计5分)

 1.Today is Sports Day. All the students are very                      .

 2. Whose                              is it? Perhaps it's Linda's.

 3.There is a pair of                          on the table. It's my mum's.

 4.What date is it today? It's the second of                       .




--- Can I      you some       about birds,Dad?


--- 不,你现在应该去睡觉了。      

--- No, you can’t. You         go to bed now.

2. --- 你什么时候过生日?       


---         is your         



 ---It’s on the        of         .


---What would you like as your Halloween        ?


--- 我想要一个玩具火车。        


---- I’d like a toy train.

4. 我父母经常在晚饭后散步。     

My parents often                      after super.


--- What        this sign         ?



---It       No smoking.

. 阅读理解。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)


Sam and Tom are brothers.They are from America, but now they are in Shanghai. Today is their birthday. We can see a big cake on the table. There are a lot of presents on the table, too. Where are the childen? They are playing in the garden. Wang Ying is behind the tree.Tom is looking for her. Li Lei is running after Liu Tao. Beibei is playing ball games with Sam. All of the children are having a good time.

    (   ) 1.Tom and Sam are brothers.

    (   ) 2.There are lots of presents and two cakes on the table.

    (   ) 3.The children are playing in the garden.

    (   ) 4.Tom is looking for Wang Bing.

    (   ) 5.Sam and Tom are having a good time.


Today is Sunday. All of us go to school early, but we have no lessons. Our teachers are going to take us to the zoo. We take buses there. We get there at nine thirty.

How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills, and a big lake. It’s spring now, so the flowers are very beautiful. There are many people there, too. We like to watch monkeys. Some of them are playing on the hills. Some are having oranges, apples and bananas. We have a good time with them. We leave the zoo at half past three in the afternoon.

    (    ) 1.We have no lessons________________.

 A. on Sunday              B. on Friday             C. on Saturday morning

    (    ) 2.We go to the zoo _____________ on Sunday.

 A. by bick                 B. by bus               C. on foot

    (    ) 3.There is _____________ in the zoo.

 A. a small lake             B. a big river            C. a big lake

    (    ) 4.We are watching _________________ in the zoo.

 A. the tigers               B. the monkeys           C. the horses

    (    ) 5.We leave the zoo at _____________ in the afternoon.

 A. three thirty              B. three o’clock           C. three past three



    1. Look ,the boys are having a running race.

    2. Mum,tomorrow is my birthday.I want some sweets and chocolate as my presents.I also want a nice dress.

    3. It’s too hot. You’d better take off your coat.

    4. When is your sister's birthday? It's on the 6th of June.

    5. The sign on the wall in the library means "No smoking".

    6. Excuse me, where is the hospital? It’s over there, near that tall building.

    7. When can we watch the interesting cartoon? Let's wait and see.

    8. Can I go in? No,you can't. You must stay away from the building.


   1. A:What date is it today ? 

     B: It's the 1st of June.

   2. A:Where's my mobil phone? It was in my bag just now.   

     B: Look, it’s on the desk,just near the books.

   3. A: Does this sign mean"No eating or dringking"?  

     B:No,it doesn't. It means we shouldn't litter.

   4. A:Is your birthday on the 1st of January?

     B: Yes , it is.

   5. A:Can we park our bikes here?  

     B: No,we can't. This sign says "No parking".

   6. A: Did you see my shoes?I can't find them. 

     B: Are they behind the door?

     A:No,they aren't.

     B:Oh, they are under the bed. Can't you see?

   7. A:Where are the girls?  

     B: They're in the bedroom.They're listening to music.

   8. Linlin likes taking photos.He is taking some photos now.


   1. A:What does this sign mean?  

     B: It means "Danger". Can I go in ?

     A:No, you can't.The sign means you must stay away from it.

   2. A:When's your birthday ?

     B:My birthday's on the 8th of May.

     A:What would you like as a birthday present?

     B:I'd like a kite.

   3. A:Where's my diary?

     B:It's near the computer.

     A: No,it isn't there.

     B:It was there a moment ago.

   4. A:Can I have your camera?


     A:I want to go to the park with my classmates.


   5. A:What date is it today?

     B:It's the sixth of November.

   6.A:It's Sports Day today.

     B:Yes. Look! All the students are very excited .

   7. A:Can I walk on the grass?

     B: No,you can't.

   8. A:Look at the sign ,dad. No smoking here.

     B:I am sorry.


    1.Look, there is a sign on the bird's cage. Does it mean"Be quiet"?

    2.What does David want as his present?

    3.What date is it today?

    4.Were there any students in the school last Sunday?

    5.My sweater is on the sofa.But where was it just now?

    6. Would you like to come to my birthday party?




    1.A.   2.C.  3.C.  4.A.  5. C.  6. B. 7.A.  8. B.


   (  3  )           (  5  )             (  1  )               (  4  )

   (   2 )            (  8  )             (  7  )               (  6  )


   1.(   )         2. (    )        3. (     )         4. (  )

   5.(   )         6. (    )        7. (     )         8. (  )


   1.C.    2.C.    3.B.    4.A.     5.A     6.B.



 1. B.    2. C.    3.B.     4.B.     5. B.     6. C.     7. A.   

 8. A     9. A.   10. B.    11. C    12. C.    13. A.   14.B.   15.C.


1 . B .   2 .C.   3 .  D.   4 . E.    5.A .     6. G.   7.F.    8. H


1. Keep off       2. a lot of      3. in Ben's class   4. make noise        5. comes up  

6. on the ground  7. pick them up  8. very exciting   9.  took some photos  10. a yo-yo  


 1.  b a   e    d  c     2.   a   c  e   b   d  


 1. excited    2.mobil phone    3. glasses    4. March                      


1. ask  questions  should

2. When  birthday   third  April

3. present

4. take a walk

5. does  mean   means


A.   1.T   2. F   3. T   4. F   5. T

B.   1.A   2. B   3. C  4. B   5. A

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