高二册 Unit 10

1.The UN has ______(催促) the two countries to solve the problem in a peaceful way.
2.When mother saw my face, she knew ______(立即) that something was wrong.
3.The ______(到达) of Flight 227 was delayed by two hours.
4.In return for our consent, he ______(发誓) he would give it up the day after he won the election.
5.Her ______(勇气) in the face of death is an example to us all.
6.Though it sounds ______(难以置信), a rain of fish did actually occur in 1817, at Appin, Scotland.
7.They’ll be here soon. ______(同时) let’s have coffee.
8.He was ______(害怕) at the sight of the dog and ran away.
9.Thirty-five people are reported to be ______(掩埋) undergroundafter the accident happened at the mine.
10.After the ______(飓风), he searched the whole city for his parents.
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