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新课标人教版英语高三复习Book Five Unit Three单元同步训练试题(附详解)

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新课标人教版英语高三复习Book Five Unit Three单元同步训练试题(附详解)
1. After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, _______________(exhaust).
2.The old man treats the boy _______________(就像)he were his own son. (2007烟台模拟)
【答案】as if/as though,句意为:那位老人对那男孩就像对待自己的孩子一样。
3.John shut everybody out of the classroom _______________(以便于)he could give us a big surprise. (2007 黄冈模拟)
【答案】so that,so that=in order that 在此处引导目的状语从句。
4._____________(Since/Unless/While) I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.(2004, 江苏)
5. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ______________ I thought was a dangerous speed.(2004, 上海)
【答案】what, I thought 是插入语,at后面的宾语从句缺主语,what在此相当于the speed that。
6.My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ______________(结果), he could neither eat nor sleep.(2005, 江西)
【答案】as a result,考查短语的用法,as a result在此作状语。
7. John is very lazy. He falls_______________(远远落后于) in his studies.(2005, 广东)
【答案】far behind,考查副词。far表程度远远地,大大地。句意为: 约翰很懒,他的学习远远落后于他人。
8.--The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.
--Don’t worry. We have already _____________(get down/get through/give in) two thirds of it.
【答案】got through,此题考查动词短语。get down 下来,落下;give in屈服,投降;get through完成。
9.I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he_________(come) home for dinner.(2006, 辽宁)
【答案】will come,此句中if引导的不是条件状语从句而是宾语从句,所以不用一般现在时表将来,只需用将来时态即可。
10.--What did your parents think about your decision?
--They always let me do _________(when/that/what)I think I should.(2006, 全国II )
【答案】what,I think I should后省略了do;that引导宾语从句只起连接作用不做成分;when不符合句意;what相当于the things that在句中作do的宾语。
  When I was young, my parents ran a snack bar in our small town.
  One evening in early April, my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar for a worker who had the flu. I told her I would mess it up,   11   I had never worked at the bar before. I   12   that instead of making money, I would end up owing it.
  “You can do it,” said my mother, “Besides, you won’t get much business until lunch.”
  “But I’ll never remember the orders, and I’m no good with money. Please, Mom, don’t   13   me.
  “Then I’ll help you,” she said.
  I shrugged my shoulders. I thought my mother’s idea was a bad one, but I obeyed.
  When I got to the bar the next day, I found my mother was   14  . Because the weather that day was rainy and cold, people wanted hot snacks and drinks.   15  , I was really slow at taking the orders and making change. The line of people grew, and everybody seemed impatient, I was so nervous that my hands shook, and I broke a cup into pieces. What a mess! Then my mother came to   16   me, and she also showed me how to make
   17  . If someone gave me $ 5 for something that cost $ 3.25, I handed over three quarters and a dollar and said, “75 cents makes four dollars, plus one dollar makes five.” Things went more   18   after that.
  By the end of the day, I could remember orders, add up the bill, and make change quickly with a smile. I was even a little   19   when the sun came out and dried up business. My mother said she was proud of me, and when she   20   that I work at the snack bar again next year, I did not even shrug. I was too busy imagining the restaurant I would open one day.
11. A. because     B. though       C. until    D. while
12. A. promised   B. noticed      C. worried   D. hoped
13. A. blame B. fool         C. frighten   D. make
14. A. angry        B. sad   C. worry   D. ashamed
15. A. At least     B. At last       C. At most  D. At first
16. A. scold        B. help  C. beat     D. save
17. A. money      B. lunch         C. coffee    D. change
18. A. smoothly   B. fairly  C. simply D. conveniently
19. A. discouraged        B. disturbed
C. disappointed       D. distrusted
20. A. thought B. stated C. announced  D. suggested
11. 答案A  因为我以前没有做过,所以我会搞砸的。
12. 答案C  我担心不是赚钱,而是亏本。
13. 答案D  本句意思应该是:别让我去做吧。为省略句,Don’t make me do it.。
14. 答案C  次日我到店里时,发现完全不是母亲所说的“要到中午才有生意”,下一句说明生意红火,所以说“母亲错了”。
15. 答案D  因为初来上班,没有经验,所以,开始的时候,应付不过来。at (the) least至少,at last 终于,at (the) most至多。
16. 答案B  母亲看到我手忙脚乱,便过来帮我。
17. 答案D  根据下句,这里应该是母亲还教我怎么找零钱.注意:make change (for) 是找零钱的意思,make a change 是做出更改的意思。make money赚钱, make coffee 冲咖啡,和上下文无关。
18. 答案A  自那以后,事情就更加顺利了。go smoothly进展顺利
19. 答案C  对于没开始做生意的作者来说,没有生意当然好(所以母亲开始给作者打气时就说“要到中午才有生意”)免得出错。但一天下来,作者已是熟练了,所以,当太阳出来,生意差了时,他甚至感到有点沮丧。discouraged指遇到困难等事(气馁),disturbed受到扰乱。
20. 答案D  只有suggest的从句才用(should) do,其他没有这种结构。
Deciding what present you should give someone is never easy.  Many things must be considered such as     21   the person is interested in and how old he is. We must also consider the reaction of the person   22    (receive) the gift.  One of the   23   (bad) gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher, Ms Chen. Ms Chen   24   (teach) me English since Junior I, and to show my   25   (appreciate) I decided to get her a present. I asked my classmates about her interests   26    I made my final decision. Then I went to the department store   27   I worked part-time and bought her    28   expensive gift box of Sichuan beef.  I was certain she would like it because I    29   (tell) by my classmates that she loved hot food. I left the box with a card on her desk, and I was sure she would like them.   30   was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn’t eat MSG (味精)!
【答案解析】  本文通过自身的经历来论述给人送什么样的礼物并不是一件容易的事。
21. what 因such as (=like例如)用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,所以这是个宾语从句,宾语从句中介词in缺少宾语,因此,用what引导宾语从句并在从句中作宾语。
22. receiving 因为the person与receive是主动关系,所以用现在分词短语作定语。
23. worst 在one of…之后,且有定冠词the, 应该用形容词的最高级形式。
24. had taught/had been teaching表示从初一开始一直到我给他送礼物时一直是教我英语的,用过去完成时或过去完成进行时。
25. appreciation 作为宾语或者说在形容词性物主代词之后,一定是名词形式。
26. before 征询同学的意见应该是在做最后决定之前,所以应该是before.注意,before已经明确表示了时间的先后关系,所以在主从句中均可以用一般过去时。
27. where 因先行词是地点,并在定语从句中作地点状语,用where引导定语从句。
28. an 意为“一盒价格昂贵的牛肉”,表示“一(盒)”用不定冠词,又因expensive是以元音开头,故用an。
29. was told/had been told 因I与tell是被动关系,又是过去式,故用was told;也可指在过去动作“买”之前,故是过去的过去,也可用过去完成时的被动语态。
30. It 这里It was…that…是强调结构,强调时间状语从句only after I heard she became sick。
Nick Petrels is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He’s been a doctor for ten years.
Dr. Petrels gives his patients good medical advice. But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrels has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice. He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.
Dr. Petrels produces and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform in Las Vegas. His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a compact disk of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrels says, “I always loved to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrels was young, his father didn’t want him to be a singer, so he went to medical school.
Some people tell Dr. Petrels he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrels says he helps people when he sings, too. “I like to make people smile. Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile. Medicine and entertainment both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good.”
31. Dr. Petrels works 60 hours a week, because he _______.
A. gives his patients medical advice
B. takes care of 159 patients a week
C. sings on television
D. has his own TV show
32. Dr. Petrels _______, so he is called a singing doctor.         
A. has been a doctor for ten years
B. always loved to sing
C. is popular with his patients
D. also sings to his patients on TV
33. In his TV show, Dr. Petrel _______.
A. sings and gives medical advice
B. sings about different diseases
C. starts to explain diseases with a song
D. sings love songs he wrote
34. Dr. Petrels’ show is popular _______.
A. in Las Vegas.          B. at medical school 
C. with people who like his singing   
D. with patients in Montreal  
35. Dr. Petrels says he likes to _______.
A. help people sing      B. make people feel better
C. do the same thing    D. make difficult people smile
【答案解析】  这篇文章描绘在Montreal一个有趣的医生,他不但给病人治病,还在自己的节目中为病人唱歌,给他们带来欢笑。
31. B  第1段告诉我们He takes care of 159 patients a week, 如此多的病人,难怪He works 60 hours a week。
32. D  由第2段的He also sings to them on television,我们可得知他被称为a singing doctor的原因。
33. A  根据第2段的The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice,我们便可知道Dr. Petrel在他的节目中干些什么。
34. C  根据第3段的第2句The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing 可推知答案为C。Dr. Petrel受欢迎的不只在Las Vegas这些地方和Patient这些人。
35. B  最后一句的They try to make people feel good告诉了我们Dr. Petrels想干什么。
时  间
地 点
活  动  安  排
1. 短文必须包括所有表格的主要内容,内容要连贯,完整。
2. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容,将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。
4. 参考词汇:交换:exchange
Nov.25  Saturday                                 fine
About fifty American students came to visit our school today.
I was busy but happy today.
Nov.25  Saturday                                 fine
About fifty American students came to visit our school today.
We gathered at the school at 8 o'clock to give them a warm welcome, and then we had a get-together in the reading room in our library, at which our headmaster told them something about our school. After talking and exchanging gifts with each other, we showed them around our school from nine thirty. Having visited our classroom building, the lab building, the factory run by our school, and the swimming pool, a friendly basketball game started on the sports ground at then thirty. At twelve o'clock all American students left our school.
In the afternoon my classmates and I went to some shops to buy some books and tapes.
I was busy but happy today.
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