Section A (Ⅰ)
1 Key words: ①do the chores,② do the dishes,③ do the laundry, ④sweep the floor, ⑤take out the trash, ⑥fold the clothes, ⑦clean the living room, ⑧wash the car, ⑨buy some drinks and snacks, ⑩borrow some money, ○11invite your friends, ○12teenager, ○13hate, ○14take care of ,○15feed
2 语言目标:
① 用could委婉地表示请求
② 用could委婉地表示许可
StepⅠ Free talk:
Ask students to talk about the housework they do at home.
1a This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words.
1.Point to the items under the heading Chores in the chart.Ask students what the word chores means.
2.Point to the items again and read each one to the class. Ask students to explain each chore in their own words and say if they do it or not
For example, a student might say, After we eat breakfast the dishes are dirty. We have to do the dishes. Do the dishes is the same as wash the dishes.
3.Then read the instructions. Point out the You column and say. Write Y for yes or N for no about yourself here. Point out the Your Partner column and say,
Write Y for yes or N for no about your partner here.
4.Ask students to find a partner. As they work, move around the room and answer any questions.
5.Find out which two chores most students do at home. Ask different students to write the name of each chore on the board. Then read the name of each chore to the class and say, Raise your hand if you do this chore. Write on the board the number of students who raise their hands after each chore. |